Al-Ikhlas Training Academy
Phone: 313-369-0880

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Historical Brief

Al-Ikhlas Training Academy (ATA) is a non-profit, full-time Islamic school, established in the City of Detroit. ATA serves students from Preschool through 12th grades.

Since its establishment, in 1991, we’ve had 32 senior graduating classes. Those students are attending colleges and universities throughout the United States. 
Many have obtained degrees in education, finance, engineering, pharmaceuticals, nursing, medicine, law enforcement and many other disciplines. 

Our Mission

​Al-Ikhlas Training Academy's mission is to endow each student with the knowledge of Allah, His creation, and self-awareness. By doing so, we aim to unlock the full potential inherent in each individual. Our primary objective is to cultivate an environment that enables students to fully develop their academic, social, and spiritual capacities, thereby shaping them into well-rounded, contributing members of global society. To achieve this, our administration and staff are committed to nurturing a transparent and collaborative relationship among students, parents, and the school.
The education of Muslim children in Math, Science, technology and other disciplines of knowledge is of paramount importance, especially in today’s world. However, it is extremely important that they are also grounded in Islamic knowledge and practice. Therefore, we’ve made this the major objective of Al-Ikhlas Training Academy. The most important part of our mission is to provide both the academic and Islamic foundation necessary for our children to succeed in the institutions of higher learning and in the difficult arena of life.
Aims and Objectives 

• To develop in each student a healthy respect for the ever presence of Allah, and respect for His creation.

• To provide the environmental conditions conducive to the proper spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, and physical growth of each student.

• To foster in each student a positive self image and respect for his/her own individual worth.

• To develop the level of consciousness in each student to recognize the importance of individual, family, community, national, and global responsibility.

• To develop in each student greater industrial usefulness which will result in greater and increased earning power.

• To develop in each student effective reading, writing, speaking, and math skills, in order that the student will become socially and academically literate.

• To develop in each student, self motivation and actualization.

Hours & Location

We know that it's important to be available at the same moment that you need us, but we also know that's not always possible. So, this section of our site tells you exactly when you can reach us and where we are located.


Monday                7:30am - 4:30pm 
Tuesday               7:30am - 4:30pm 
Wednesday          7:30am - 4:30pm 
Thursday              7:30am - 4:30pm 
Friday                   7:30am - 4:30pm 
Saturday              Closed 
Sunday                Closed 

Address: Al-Ikhlas Training Academy
                12555 McDougall St.
                 Detroit, MI  48212

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