Al-Ikhlas Training Academy
Phone: 313-369-0880

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 General Information 
Academic Expectations 

Students are expected to maintain an appropriate academic standing throughout the school year. Such academic responsibilities such as homework, class work, assignments, projects, etc., are expected from each student and failure on behalf of the student to complete these, satisfactorily, could bring unpleasant consequences. Students are expected to maintain a grade point average of at least 2.0, which is equivalent to "C", throughout the school year. Special conferences will be called with the parent and student whenever students are failing to maintain the above stated average

School Etiquette 

Al-Ikhlas Training Academy is an Islamic institution; therefore, we expect that the behavior and mannerisms of all students comply with our Islamic value system. We place great emphasis on student conduct and behavior, at all times, and encourage the support of our parents in making sure that their child/ren behave accordingly.

If students are to learn and grow properly, the environment must be conducive for such. Disruptive behavior cannot be tolerated under any circumstances. Students who are continuously disruptive and resistant to school policy and regulations run the risk of being expelled from school.

Uniform Dress Code

All students are required to wear school approved uniforms. Boys are required to be in uniform on the first day of school. Because girls' uniforms are to be ordered, then they are to be measured upon registration and uniforms must be placed on order at that time.

Daily Routine

Each day at ATA is meant to be one of growth and progress for our students. Therefore, students are expected to be on time and equipped with the proper tools for work and learning. Assemblies for Middle and High School students will be held on Mondays at 8:30 a.m. Assemblies for Elementary School will be held on Tuesdays at 8:30 a.m. Special assemblies may be called at the discretion of the Principals or the Director, whenever deemed necessary.

Office Hours

The school office hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The school day begins, for students, at 8:05 a.m. and ends at 3:45 p.m. Students will be marked tardy after 8:15 a.m. and must receive a tardy pass from the office or designated hall monitor before being admitted to class. Students are to be picked up from school at 3:45 p.m., by the parent or parent designee. Students riding public transportation or walking home must leave the school campus immediately after dismissal.


At present, ATA does not intend to offer a hot lunch program. However, on days in which hot lunch will be served, parents and students will be notified. Because of our Islamic dietary laws, we must remind non-Muslim parents and students that pork and/or pork by-products should not be brought to school - in a student’s lunch, or otherwise.


Providing student textbooks and special materials are the responsibility of the parent. Therefore, parents will be expected to pay these fees upon registration in order that the student’s books may be purchased immediately. No books will be ordered for any student, unless that parent has paid these fees. A limited number of used textbooks may be available upon a first come basis.


ATA, being a private religious school, does not receive funding from government sources. Its main source of income is from tuition and fundraising efforts. Therefore, we expect parents, students, and staff, to be actively involved in all fundraising events and activities. Failure to do so does cause great difficulties for the school budget and will result in higher tuition costs.


ATA is the school for your child. Becoming involved in PTO is a must for every parent because it provides an opportunity to contribute suggestions and ideas for the improvement of the educational program.
The PTO meeting schedule will be decided at the first parent meeting of the new school year. You will receive a notice from the office prior to each meeting. These meetings are intended to be limited to a maximum of one hour, so as not to infringe, unnecessarily, upon your valuable time.
Our PTO is intended to be active throughout the school year - working on educational programs, fundraising events, and enrichment activities for our students.


ATA does have a very limited financial aid program for needy students. Parents may inquire at the office and fill out an application. However, all applications will be reviewed by a Review Committee or the Director and aid will be given based upon qualification and available scholarships. 

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